ساعات العمل: السبت - الخميس: 8 صباحًا - 10 مساءً / مغلق يوم الجمعة
خدمات تنظيف المكيفات

احصل على أفضل أداء لمكيفك مع خدماتنا المتخصصة في التنظيف والصيانة، لتحقيق جودة هواء أعلى وكفاءة استهلاكية

خدمات تناسب جميع احتياجاتكم
الإجراءات والأنظمة التي نطبقها تضمن لكم خدمة عالية الجودة مع التركيز الشديد على السلامة

With more than 35 years getting to know every kind of client, from homeowners to facility & property managers to healthcare decision-makers. Our relentless passion for excellence and customer service means we invest in continuously improving our processes. Sanera is a leading provider of cleaning and restoration services in both the residential and commercial markets, operating through an extensive service network.

Business owners and property managers are key to keeping patrons, guests, patients and visitors safe. They are responsible for taking every step to ensure the health and safety of their communities. Whether a large retail shop,we have the disinfection know-how to customize a cleaning plan for your needs.

هذا التحليل يساعدنا على تحديد أنسب الإجراءات لمكافحة المشكلةتقييم دقيق
هذه الخطة تشمل الإجراءات المحددة لمكافحة الحشرات خطة مخصصة
أحدث التقنيات والمعداتاستخدام تقنيات مبتكرة
حماية سكان المنزل والبيئة المحيطةمنتجات آمنة
إجراءات وقائية لمنع عودة المشكلةإجراءات وقائية
Stats & Charts

When an employee or patient tests COVID positive, you should temporarily shut your doors. Our team can help you quickly open up again as our network of local businesses ensures fast response times and excellent care from a team that is equipped with the advanced tools and technology in adherence to CDC guidelines to get your facility safely open again.

Switching from after-hours to a daytime cleaning program can reduce your cleaning costs as well as energy expenses. Since no cleaning staff is required on-site after hours, there's no need for running lights or building heating/cooling, and your doors stay locked at the end of the day.

To keep your business running uninterrupted, we offer cost effective daytime janitorial cleaning services.

Best Value
Providing commercial cleaning services which will help you protect your customers and employees, we care about clean and it shows in our work, our people, and also in our commitment to delivering on our word, every day.
Office Buildings
Government buildings
Manufacturing Facilities
Financial Institutions
Educational Facilities
Religious Building
Medical Facilities
$650 /Mon
Best Choice
We provide residential house cleaning services and always focus on cleaning for health, our extensive industry experience give us a leg up when it comes to leaving your house cleaner, and healthier, than ever before.
Window sills & ledges
Appliance exteriors
Hard surface floors
Ranges and ovens
Remove cobwebs
Cabinet doors
Empty trash
$650 /Mon
How It Works?!

We know each business facility is unique. That's why we offer a wide range of cleaning services and plans with scheduling and timing options that suit a variety of businesses. No matter how ordinary or exceptional the task, from carpet cleaning to air duct cleaning and other specialty services.

Why Us!

Keep your business open, safely. A primary driver of COVID-19’s infectiousness is the fact that people carriers long before they have symptoms. Routine cleaning and disinfecting are the only way to keep your environment safe from an unintentional COVID-19 outbreak.

ضمان شامل
تمتع بمدة ضمان تصل الى 10 سنوات وأنظمة متابعة دورية
آمن وفعال
جميع المبيدات مصرحة من هيئة الغذاء والدواء وآمنة صحياً
أسعار منافسة
أفضل الأسعار مع ضمان أعلى معايير الجودة في مكافحة الحشرات
Key Benifits
نفتخر بتقديم ضمانات مُحددة تُظهر التزامنا بالجودة والفعالية. للصراصير، النمل الأسود، والبق نُقدم ضمانًا لمدة 3 شهور. بالنسبة للحشرات الطائرة، نُلاحظ أننا لا نقدم ضمانًا. أما بالنسبة للنمل الأبيض قبل البناء، فضماننا يمتد لـ10 سنوات، بينما يصل ضمان النمل الأبيض بعد البناء إلى سنة واحدة. هذه الضمانات تعكس إيماننا بجودة الخدمة والحلول التي نقدمها لعملائنا

بالتأكيد، كل المبيدات التي نستخدمها في "الاختيار الأمثل" مصرح بها من هيئة الغذاء والدواء، وهي آمنة للبيئة ولجميع أفراد الأسرة، بما في ذلك الأطفال والحيوانات الأليفة

نعم، نقدم عقودًا سنوية تتيح لعملائنا الاستفادة من مجموعة مميزات، مثل الزيارات الدورية والمتابعة الشاملة وأسعار خاصة تتناسب مع احتياجاتهم
القطاعات اللتي نعمل بها
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نستمع إلى احتياجاتك ونستجيب بخطة مخصصة لك ، ومجدولة لتناسب عمليات عملك على أفضل وجه
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With over 60 years of combined experience, our educational facility cleaning specialists are knowledgeable about the particular needs of
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Along with creating a clean, welcoming for each patient, our Patient-Centered Cleaning Program is designed to help you exceed expectations...
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With our highly skilled, experienced cleaning technicians, you can be sure your place of worship is in the best hands to keep it beautiful and...
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As for our cleaning products, we use green cleaners that are effective without leaving behind any bothersome odors. We will also make sure that we...
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We’ll work with you to fully understand your needs, accommodate any special requests and avoid any areas that you indicate.
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Request An Estimate
For a cleaning that meets your highest standards, you need a dedicated team of trained specialists with all supplies needed to thoroughly clean your home.

    Trained and certified in the most current pandemic cleanup
    Your Clients & Employees Deserve A Clean, Safe And Healthy Environment!!

    The processes and systems we put in place provide a consistent, high quality service with a focus on safety. All our employees are trained and certified in the most current pandemic cleanup and disinfection techniques of clean for health.

    Qualified Workers
    Satisfied Clients
    Cleaned Houses
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